Standard Office Systems Blog

Is it Time to Stop Outsourcing Your Printing?

Written by SOS Can Help | 6/5/17 7:17 PM

 It's a common dilemma that business professionals face: would it be faster, cheaper, and easier for me to outsource everyday tasks or do them in-house? For most companies, the answer is: is depends. It depends on what kind of work you're doing, how much it costs, and whether you're increasing efficiency when you outsource.

Let's take a look at your printing processes. Should you outsource that next big print job? Do you outsource often and are growing tired of paying the associated markup? It may be time to reconsider the printing equipment you have in your office.

Outsourcing vs. In-House Printing Jobs

Outsourcing can be a life-saver when you're first starting out and don't have the equipment or staff you need. Drop a flash drive off at a print shop and pick it up later, along with 500 copies of your document. But you may have already begun to notice that the price you're paying per page is significantly higher than it would be if you had your own printer. You'll also notice that there's an even higher markup associated with color printing, one that you could avoid if you had the right equipment.

There are many benefits to owning a multifunction printer that can handle the brunt of your business printing. These advantages include:

  • Speed: Need a job done now? You can have it done now. Outsourcing has an associated waiting period, and depending on the print shop you go to and the job you want to be done, it could be a long time.
  • Lower costs: Over time, your multifunction printer will pay for itself several times over, especially as your company grows and you use it more frequently.
  • Labor: A multifunction printer can make it easy to do jobs like stapling, collating, or even folding documents. Get a model that will save you time in the end.

For more information about finding the right multifunction printer for your office, contact us today.