Standard Office Systems Blog

Unified Communication's Advantages

Written by Tech Support | 5/18/17 8:59 PM


Do passion, priority and unification get scattered in the day-to-day workflow of your office? You might consider unified communications (UC). UC is geared toward more efficiency, reduced costs and more professional presence in your Atlanta office.

What is unified communications?

Glad you asked! UC covers voice, video and data services and software applications. This collaboration achieves better productivity by unifying your tech outlets. UC's features include video conferencing, unified messaging, smartphones, presence technologies and instant messaging.

What are the benefits of the quickly growing implementation of unified communications?

  • Scalability. UC conveniently grows with your business. You can start small but aim big -- UC matching your growth step by step.
  • Features. The system allows for routing voicemail, email, call routing, queuing, speech recognition, and the list goes on. Each of these features help to increase productivity on a day-to-day basis.
  • VoIP. Set up VoIP for your office.
  • Collaborate. You can include colleagues no matter their location.
  • The cloud. With UC, you can integrate cloud-based technology like Gmail, SharePoint, Google Docs and WebEx.
  • Save money. Deploying UC through the cloud can save your small-business budget.

Mobility with UC

Small businesses lean heavily on laptops, smartphones and tablets. The good news is that UC's top benefit is its mobile support, correlating nicely with the mobile devices you already have. The convenient access to email and voicemail at any place is hugely successful for business teleworkers. Instant messaging and video conferencing help everyone in your business to stay connected.

UC will put passion, priority and unification back in your office with its convenience, mobility and connectivity.

Are you interested in voice and data services, VoIP, collaboration and cost reduction? Contact us to find out more about unified communications for your company.