Standard Office Systems Blog

National Cyber Security Awareness Month: What Is It and Why Is It Important?

Written by Erica Kastner | 10/1/19 1:45 PM

Society as we know it is increasingly moving online. We communicate online. We shop online. We order food online. For the deviants in our society, we can access the dark web for illicit activities. However, with all of the ease and simplicity that the Internet has afforded us, some risks come with it as well.

By pushing so many aspects of our lives online, that means that we in turn push much of our personal information, also known as Personally Identifiable Information, online. Information such as our credit card number, social security number, address, and more exist in databases all over the Internet, from our banks to websites that we purchase goods from.

Putting this information online serves as bait to entice cyber-hackers. Cyber-hackers use advanced tactics to hunt down our personal data, going into feeding frenzies when they finally access and steal it. It seems that the news reports almost daily about another person or business whose personal information was stolen or taken through defrauding.

The term "cyber security" has increasingly become important over the past decade due to the rise of cyber-hackers who threaten our livelihoods.

Though the term "cyber security" might seem technical, vague, and hard to understand, both businesses and individuals should understand what it is and what it means for your personal safety.

That's why the government, in collaboration with the IT industry, chose to make October National Cyber Security Awareness Month. Read on to discover what cyber security is, the history behind Cyber Security Awareness Month, and how you can use cyber security to protect you or your business.


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What is Cyber Security and Why Is It Important?

What is National Cyber Security Awareness Month?

How Can I Use Cyber Security to Protect Myself or My Business?


What is Cyber Security and Why is It Important?

When you break it down, cyber security is just that - security for your Internet-connected devices. If you or your business have any personal information online or sensitive data stored in files on your computers or other devices, you should know how to protect those files.

If hackers break into your computer and gain access to any sensitive data, they can encrypt the information, making it inaccessible, and hold it for ransom. Hackers can also sell your information on the dark web or use certain data such as your social security number to steal your identity.

Various cyber security measures can help to stop hackers in their tracks by either preventing them from breaching your network or stopping them before they do any real damage.

What is National Cyber Security Awareness Month?

As stated earlier, National Cyber Security Awareness Month (also known as NCSAM) was established in 2004 by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) to create resources that educate citizens about Internet safety. This year marks NCSAM's 17th anniversary.

In its infancy, National Cyber Security Awareness Month promoted messages such as updating your antivirus software twice a year.

However, the Internet and its subsequent threats have changed so much over the past decade that the messaging for NCSAM has shifted too, now focusing on sharing tips about staying safe from hackers.

Over the years, the cyber security industry has begun to get involved with sharing safety messages as well.

The National Cyber Security Alliance encourages those in the cyber security industry, like us here at Standard Office Systems, to post resources about how individuals and businesses can stay safe online and protect their personal information.

This year, the NCSA's theme for National Cyber Security Awareness Month is "Do Your Part. #BeCyberSmart". This messaging is intended to empower individuals and organizations to own their role in protecting their part of cyberspace.

How Can I Use Cyber Security to Protect Myself or My Business?

Luckily, there are many ways that you can protect you or your business from cyber security threats.

Invest in Basic Cyber Security Measures

If you are unsure of where to start in terms of protecting your data, consider implementing a few basic cyber security measures within your network. Some basic measures can include installing firewalls and antivirus software.

Additionally, installing software that constantly backs up your data will ensure that there is little downtime in the event of a power outage or network breach. Backing up your data is also useful in the event of a ransomware attack. In a ransomware attack, your data is rendered inaccessible and is held for ransom.

While this situation may seem hopeless, if you have software installed that constantly backs up data, then in the event of a ransomware attack you can simply revert back to the last time your data was backed up, essentially rendering the attack harmless.

This, however, does not afford you any protections from a hacker threatening to expose your data to the public. This type of threat is common with ransomware breaches and is used as a form of blackmail to coerce businesses into paying a hacker's ransom. 

Educate Employees on Cyber Security Best Practices

If you are a business owner, you might not know that your employees are one of the biggest threats to your network security.

While computers and computer software are adept at identifying viruses and potential threats to your network, cyber-hackers like to take advantage of employees who don't know how to protect themselves on the Internet.

Educating employees on safety tactics like how to pick a strong password, identify risky websites, and identify phishing attempts helps protect your business from hackers. Even if you don't own a business, knowing this information can help prevent you from being hacked.

Invest in Cyber Insurance

Cyber insurance is a high-level way of protecting a business in the event of a cyber-attack. It is a form of insurance that helps cover businesses who experience losses from data breaches, network downtime, and network damages.

Though some recent court cases show that businesses need to pay attention to the fine print when signing up for cyber security insurance, overall, it can help mitigate the risks involved with having sensitive data online.

RELATED: Cyber Insurance: Do You Need It?

Consider Hiring Managed Services

If you own a business and want to have all-inclusive, high-level protective measures implemented, consider hiring managed services.

Managed services are one of the most protective cyber security measures you can have for a business because they install multiple layers of security, have employees constantly monitoring for viruses and data breaches, and can help educate your company on how to continually improve its security.

Don't take National Cyber Security Awareness Month lightly. Use this article and others as resources to help guide you towards finding ways to better protect your sensitive information. You might think that your data is safe, but hackers are often one step ahead.